New South Wales

Our New South Wales Crew.

Based out of our beautiful new Academy in the inner-west suburb of Petersham, this is our stellar NSW team.

Anthony Svilicich

NSW Sales Manager
With many successful years in the specialty coffee industry in Sydney, owning and operating successful cafes such as Le Monde, Excelsior Jones or Neighbourhood Coffee, Anthony is a hospo veteran. Now with that wealth of experience he's helping future cafe owners carve out their dream.

Krysty Prasolik

Barista Trainer & Account Manager
Krysty joined the well trod path of Australians heading to London. An intended 1 year move turned into a 12 year stint, with Krysty elbow deep in the emerging specialty scene of London. With gigs at respected Kaffeine, Allpress UK and Curators Coffee under her belt, Krysty returned to Aus where we were stoked to welcome such an experienced pro to the team!

James Feeney

Workshop Service Technician

Tony Morgan

Field Service Technician

With a sense of adventure and a Bachelor of Engineering in Automation & Control Technology under his belt, Tony left his hometown of Ennis on the west coast of Ireland and a two year visa turned into three, then four and now ten years on, he calls the Harbour city home. Coming from a country dominated by tea drinkers, there was a time when he didn't appreciate or know what good coffee was, now working at Fives he has found his place and we're over the moon to have him!

Nick Harvey

Sales & Account Manager

Nick embarked on his coffee crusade a decade back, slinging brews amidst the rustic charm of the Hunter Region and braving the Melbourne coffee scene. Once mastering the elusive art of the perfect brew, he boomeranged back to his hometown to master the art of roasting and even orchestrated a daring roastery relocation! When he's not knee-deep in coffee, you'll find Nick out there exploring nature, immersing himself in the arts, indulging in craft brews or setting off on adventures with his faithful furry companion Ziggy.