Saving the Planet
In an era when the threat of climate change rests heavily over our environment and lifestyle, Five Senses is incredibly proud to be a Carbon Neutral company. In recent years we have been focussed on a more sustainable business model that is honest to our people and our planet.

Our movement toward climate action was made concrete when we engaged Carbon Neutral Australia to research, measure and prepare a report quantifying our carbon emissions. With all staff engaged, we embarked on a journey to tackle the sustainability of our business. This included implementing solar at our WA roastery, incorporating recyclable packaging and updating supplier codes of conduct. The more modest changes of efficient lightbulbs, sustainable toilet paper and reground coffee waste collections were completed across all our sites. Since our first report covering the 2017/2018 financial year, we have been able to reduce our emissions by 47%.

To achieve the final step of carbon neutrality, we purchased carbon credits to offset the excess of our business operations that we were unable to change or improve. One of our investments is in the Yarra Biodiversity Corridor Project. This is a reforestation project which aims to create a diverse range of flora to support wildlife, either as a habitat or as a pitstop in their migratory journeys throughout Western Australia. To date, over 50 native species have been planted while also sequestering large amounts of atmospheric carbon.
The project goal is to create a 200km green corridor, inland from the coast, reconnecting
12 nature reserves across a 10,000km2 area. The Yarra Yarra Corridor is currently Australia’s largest biodiverse, reforestation carbon sink. This large-scale planting is on the traditional lands of the Noongar, Yamatji and Widi Mob people, and this Country includes numerous sites of cultural significance. Since its inception the project has been in consultation with Native Title holders and created over 50 job roles for Indigenous people in the reforestation of the land and protection of heritage sites.

The Five Senses driving purpose of Impacting People Positively through Specialty
Coffee is continually reassessed. Our noteworthy achievement of Carbon Neutrality is a milestone and not an end point. We consider it a real privilege to be a business that can offset our emissions, operate sustainably and constantly measure our carbon footprint. As we navigate future change, our desire is toward proactive climate action as we care for this planet.