Cherry cola & delicate peach, smooth texture with a creamy finish.
Risaralda decaf runs through Descafecol, a state of the art decaffeination facility in the Andean region that has a rich source of natural water runoff from Nevado del Ruiz volcano. An organic compound found in sugar cane called Ethyl Acetate is used to extract caffeine using a soaking or "caffeine stripping" process.
A ripe banana contains about 20 times more Ethyl Acetate than decaffeinated coffee using this process. It is also worthwhile mentioning that due to the volatility of Ethyl Acetate, any residual compound evaporates at just 70 degrees. As coffee is roasted to degrees up to and above 200 degrees all remaining traces of Ethyl Acetate are completely gone.
The process removes 97% of caffeine maintaining excellent natural flavour characteristics similar to the fully caffeinated variant. Expect cherry cola and delicate peach, a smooth texture, with a creamy finish.