Nkonge Hill, Orange

Producer Long Miles Coffee
1960 MASL
Heirloom, Bourbon

Nkonge Hill, Orange

Mango pie & sparkling pineapple, creamy body with a sweet aftertaste.

There are a lot of reasons why we’re excited about our relationship with Long Miles Coffee in Burundi; they’re a great bunch of humans, doing some great social impact work and bringing some cracking Burundian coffees to life. On top of that, we get to do fun experiments with them! On our last trip we dropped local fruit into the ferment tanks of two very small parcels of cherry to see what would happen. We’re excited for you to taste the results!

In this lot, oranges were cut and added to the de-pulped cherries in tanks during the fermentation phase. They were then rinsed and put through a round of standard full-wash. There was a distinct blending of the inherent coffee flavour and the orange, resulting in mango and sparkling pineapple flavours and a creamy body with all of that fruit drawing to a sweet finish.


1960 MASL
Heirloom, Bourbon

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