La Divisa Gesha, Natural

Producer Sebastian Gomez
1700 MASL

La Divisa Gesha, Natural

Ripe strawberry, rose & pineapple.

This 100% Gesha micro-lot traces back to 1931, when the variety was first discovered in Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia). Grown by Sebastian Gomez at his La Divisa farm in Circasia, Quindío, Colombia, this exceptional Gesha Natural is a true masterpiece. Hand-picked at peak ripeness, the cherries have undergone a meticulous 16-hour anaerobic fermentation before being dried on raised beds to reach the perfect 11% moisture level. Through his mastery of fermentation, Sebastian produces an exquisite coffee with notes of ripe strawberry, rose, and pineapple.

1700 MASL

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