An'chavin'a, Washed

Producer Maria Ramirez Salucio
1900 MASL

An'chavin'a, Washed

Lemon, toffee & red cherry.

Maria Ramirez's coffee journey from farm worker to farm owner is a testament to her life-long passion for coffee. Maria Ramirez and her family began their coffee journey as paid farm workers over a decade ago where they learnt the intricasies of coffee processing and farm care. Fast forward 10 years and their perseverance paid off when they purchased their own 7 hectare farm. At 2,100 metres above sea level, Maria and her family meticulously manage the coffee processing at their home wet mill. After depulping, the coffee ferments for 48 hours, soaks in clean water for 24 hours, and dries in the sun for 4-5 days with hourly rotation to ensure consistent drying. The end result is a delicious cup laced with notes of lemon, toffee & red cherry. 

1900 MASL
From: $22.00

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