Q Grader: CQI Q Grader

Q Grader: CQI Q Grader
6 days
Cost Per Person
Founded by the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI), a non-profit group aiming to increase coffee quality and the lives of those producing it, the Q Grader course is designed to teach and test attendees how to both cup and grade coffee samples. While a broad coffee knowledge and experience tasting differing coffees is certainly recommended, the latest format of the Q course is structured in a way that downloads an incredible amount of detailed and qualified knowledge onto attendants during the first 3 days. The following days will be used putting this knowledge to the test across a variety of assessments from green sample grading, cupping and scoring through to accurate identification of aroma compounds.
Participants of the course gain a huge amount of understanding about the detail of what defines specialty coffee with an international context. The course is an incredible opportunity to truly calibrate your scoring and assessment of coffees with the only internationally recognised certificate system for cuppers – an invaluable perspective!