Drinking coffee and impacting people positively is literally Five Senses’ two favourite things. So it’s no surprise we get incredibly excited when CafeSmart rolls around each year.
1-7 August 2022
In 2011, when StreetSmart Australia were looking to introduce a concept called “CafeSmart” where, one day a year, cafes donate $1 from every coffee sold, we jumped right on board! Every year since, we’ve rallied our cafe partners to join this cause and donated coffee to each participating cafe – helping share the costs associated with the fundraising.
We’re incredibly proud to see every growing generosity of the coffee community and look forward to helping this great initiative continue! Here’s how YOU can get involved:

Cafe Partners
Sign up and rally your customers!
- CafeSmart will provide you with some marketing material to let your customers know more, as well as a donation box for anyone who want’s to give a little extra!
- Five Senses will donate some coffee to help support your efforts – chat to your account manager for the details!
Coffee Lovers
Find a participating cafe and enjoy a delicious coffee!
- Buy a coffee from a participating cafe and know you’re helping local homelessness projects. Win – win.
- If you’re feeling extra passionate, pop a little more into the donation box.
See below for past results.
650 Cafes participated
$147,585 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
45 Cafes participated
$8395.36 raised
650 Cafes participated
$159,000 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
43 Cafes participated
$12,328 raised
285 Cafes participated
$169,000 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
25 Cafes participated
$5,012 raised
291 Cafes participated
$80,150 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
21 Cafes participated
$3,977 raised
850 Cafes participated
$203,070 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
40 Cafes participated
$64,562 raised
815 Cafes participated
$238,720 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
58 Cafes participated
$14,761 raised
763 Cafes participated
$215,500 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
51 Cafes participated
$15,000 raised
549 Cafes participated
$160,523 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
37 Cafes participated
$11,500 raised
491 Cafes participated
$135,612 raised
Five Senses Cafe Partners
27 Cafes participated
$8,456 raised