Raimutin, Natural
Raimutin, Natural
Honeydew, raspberry chocolate & boozy fruitcake.
Unique flavours and extensive processes are contributing factors to Timor-Leste's exponential growth. With the major export of oil rapidly dwindling, creating value around coffee through improved quality, productivity and increasing demand has become a critical strategy for the young nation. With the collective knowledge from the Raw Material team, a combination of African beds, Timor-Leste bamboo bed sheets and Colombian stackable beds hybridised processes to optimise the drying stages of coffee processing. In sustainable efforts, the coffee cherries that don’t make it to the end stages are saved for redistribution as fertiliser to the farmers who grew them. Expect flavour-packed, impact-driving coffee with honeydew, raspberry chocolate and boozy fruitcake taste.

About Raw Material
Raw Material is a social enterprise that helps maximise the impact coffee can have. With 100% of the profit generated going to producers, directly through payments for coffee and through community-level investments, Raw Material work to improve more than just the coffee quality but also the local communities.