Leonid Ramirez, Honey
Mandarin orange, layers of honey & sticky plum.
This coffee bridges the elegance of washed coffee with the enhanced fruit of a natural process. Leonid employs a unique method to refine his approach to honey processing of his Colombia cultivar coffee. While the washed process might be Colombia’s historical calling card, honey processing has become increasingly popular, both for its flavour profile and its more predictable, less risky outcomes. In this quite detailed approach to the honey process, Leonid employs a four-step process, fermenting the whole and pulped cherry in both anaerobic and aerobic environments before finishing on raised drying beds. The syrupy result is mandarin orange, with layers of honey & sticky plum.

Get to Know: Leonid Ramirez
From deep in the mountainous Andes of central-western Colombia, Leonid Ramirez has defied the odds and breathed new life into his origin’s classic processing methods. Colombia has long been a celebrated origin, but even with its long producing history, smallholders can still struggle to capture the full value of their farming. Through the support of exporters, Five Senses and Cofinet, Leonid has been able to continuously improve quality and efficiency offering delicious coffees and improving his family’s livelihood. Specialty coffee driving positive impact? That’s something Five Senses is very proud to support.