Mikuba, Anaerobic Washed
Mikuba, Anaerobic Washed
Cranberry, sweet grapefruit & raspberry.
A trip to Mikuba is something to behold, a majestic hill divided by the Ruvubu River. The name 'Mikuba' comes from a Kirundi word meaning 'come together', referring to the two hills unified by the river flowing through. Mikuba is a stone’s throw away from Heza Washing Station but stretches out far and wide. Some farmers walk only a couple of metres to deliver their cherries to the washing station; others have to walk more than 5 km to reach it. The hill is usually covered in bright blue and yellow flowers that line its narrow dirt walking paths. The land boasts incredible biodiversity, ranging from wildflowers and subsistence crops such as potatoes, cabbage, and cassava, to shade canopies of acacia and banana trees.

About Long Miles
Five Senses feels a strong sense of shared values around excellent quality coffee and social impact with the Long Miles crew. The organisation, attention to detail and positive relationships we saw on the ground were genuinely impressive. The Long Miles Team continue to produce some truly amazing coffees that are improving the lives of coffee growers in these remote areas of Burundi.