Adrian Dart
One part coffee guru, one part circus ringmaster and one part data analyst, the skills needed to oversee a bustling, quality café don’t stop there. Thankfully, we’ve got our very own swiss-army café man in Adrian Dart! Having led our sales and account management team in VIC, he brings 21 years of hospo experience, Q Grader certification and thoughtful service written into his DNA.
Growing up in regional VIC, Adrian was more likely to tap into a Big M than a Latte. Without cafes within a cooee, Adrian's first hands-on intro to coffee was at his mum’s catering biz before hitting the big time - moving to Melbourne and dispensing espressos alongside popcorn at the Gold Class cinemas in the early 2000s. Since then, hospitality has been a constant; Adrian honed his skills in venues of every shape, size and sophistication in amongst study and treading the boards as an actor. The deep dive into specialty coffee was then forged amongst serious volume, preparing 1500cups each weekend day at the Queen Victoria Market before moving to manage the iconic high-volume specialty café, Three Bags Full.
And the area of coffee that Adrian’s most excited about? Unsurprisingly, it’s service.
“Tasty coffee, great technique and quality equipment is more prevalent than ever but creating a fun, engaging coffee experience for the customer is where the opportunity’s at. I love seeing the creative ways different cafes and baristas are tackling this.”
When he’s not talking single origins, bar layouts and service programs, Adrian departs back to his regional roots with an epic daily commute to the Macedon region north of Melbs. Enroute to and from his beautiful fam and flourishing veggie patches, Adrian drops a Clever Coffee Brew straight into his travel tumbler and, as a living-breathing-sleeping BBall fanatic (go the Celtics!), soaks up sports podcasts without end.
With his deep experience in the café world, quality puns and huge infusions of positive energy, we feel very lucky to have Adrian as part of our team!

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