Drinking coffee and impacting people positively is literally Five Senses’ two favourite things. So it’s no surprise we get incredibly excited when CafeSmart rolls around – circle Friday 9 August 2019 on your calendars!
Friday 9 August 2019, lock it in!
Here’s how you can support this great initiative:
Cafes: sign up and rally your customers!
Coffee Lovers: find a participating cafe and enjoy a delicious coffee!
CafeSmart + Five Senses: Impact Report 2018
In 2018, we recruited 58 wholesale cafes to signup for CafeSmart, raising $14,761 in funds for local grassroots homeless services. One of the things we love about CafeSmart, is that funds raised go to grassroots projects in their local area! Here’s just some of the great things achieved through last year’s campaign:
Yellow Bernard, Hobart TAS – $1,543.65 raised
($963 via coffee sales and $580.65 customer donations)
Helped Support: All Round Health – Homeless Healthcare are a mobile street clinic, helping those that are sleeping rough on the streets of Hobart. This program receives no government funding and relies on clinical staff volunteering their time and funds from events like CafeSmart. With flu cases (and death toll) surging across Australia, the work these folk do to administer fluvax shots to those most at risk is as crucial as ever.
“The Street Clinic receives no government funding – the response we received was that it was ‘too innovative’, and that Hobart doesn’t have a homelessness problem. So StreetSmart funding is vital to our service. Last year funds went to having more bandages, flu shots, antibiotics and other consumables, as most interventions entail a form of wound dressing.
On our run we catch up with those that do not access any social services and just touch base and ensure all is well. On occasion we may provide antibiotics, it is this cohort of people that the equipment will be most beneficial for. Then we head out to some neighbouring suburbs for those that are in living in their cars. On our route we may also deviate as the regulars that we meet may advise us of a new person that has arrived, and we will go and find them.”
David Patras, All Round Health and Community Care -Tasmania
Blk.Mlk Specialty Coffee, Mildura VIC – $630 raised
Helped Support: Zoe Support Australia provides pre-birth support for young, pregnant women in Mildura. They currently work with close to 200 vulnerable young mothers and children who need support.
“CafeSmart donations contributed to the ongoing role of the Housing case manager, to address the demand for sustainable private rental assistance for young homeless mothers focusing on long term sustainability for current leases. The manager will also coordinate essential material supplies to assist the young women and their babies.”
Anne Webster, Zoe Support
Little Angel, Perth WA – $495 raised
Helped Support: Street Law WA who provide free access to specialist legal services for those experiencing homelessness. CafeSmart funding help them to assist young people who are experiencing homelessness requiring mental health support with legal advice and ongoing casework assistance.
Primal Joes, Cronulla NSW – $403 raised
Helped Support: Dandelion Support Network works with many support agencies and social workers to provide items greatly needed for struggling families. Accepting donations, volunteers then process and pack support bundles – making sure all items donated are in good working order. Many of these items are critical to the health and safety of babies and children – think highchairs, car seats, prams, bedding, toys and baby clothes.

John Mills Himself, Brisbane QLD – $581 raised
Helped Support: Youth Housing Project offer support services designed to assist homeless young people to make the transition to an independent, self-managed lifestyle. In particular, the funds raised from CafeSmart went towards suppling household items to young people moving into the Youth Housing Project so that they can make their unit a home. The young people can then take these items when the move on from Youth Housing Project into their independent homes!